Benchmark Of Fifth-Generation Collaborative Digital Regulation (Available in English only)

The 2021 G5 Benchmark measures the state of collaborative digital regulation in 193 countries worldwide. Today, the digital economy is critical both to economic growth and job creation. Coherent and forward-looking cross-sector policy and regulation are no longer a choice, but an imperative. The quicker the digital economy develops, the sooner countries can reap its benefits. Policy-makers need to ensure continued investments in ICT infrastructure, increasing and diversifying the talent pool, strengthening innovation, promoting local digital industries, and fostering the digital transformation of enterprises across the economy more broadly. The new G5 Benchmark captures how countries are addressing these needs via an active policy agenda that expands well beyond the ICT scope, through collaboration with agencies and ministries in other sectors, such as education, industrialization, and rural development. The Benchmark recognizes that there is no single approach to digital regulation and various national approaches can pave the way through the digital transformation. The framework helps assess countries' levels of preparedness for digital transformation and aids national stakeholders to leverage its challenges and opportunities. The Benchmark can be used as a canvas to establish roadmaps for policy and regulatory uplift, and inclusive digital transformation across all sectors of the economy.

Available in English language only.

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